Wise thoughts about knitting and imperfection and life, from the short video Visible Mending by Samantha Moore (lightly edited):
I think people need something just to concentrate on. There's something about — you know, when your life is sort of falling apart — you need to create a purpose in it for yourself, and if that purpose is quite small it doesn't matter, it's important — something tangible, something they can say, "Well, that's mine, I'm going to do that today!" — and it's it's worth getting up for.
People say, "Oh, how beautiful", and you know it's not, you know there's lots of mistakes in it!
Looking at the therapeutic benefits of knitting, it's not just the making, it's also the giving of a gift, giving away. The idea is that people just come together. The whole thing is, there's no right or wrong. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. You make your bird, and you give it away, if you want to.
Mistakes can be undone. You can cover a mistake with a button or a crochet flower or something, so that the mistakes don't matter!
Oh, I've unraveled a lot over the years — well, knitting, and myself possibly! Would you like a coffee now, dear?
(New York Times gift-link and Youtube link — cf obituary of Mason Rankin, excerpt in McGs (2002-02-28), and Crochety Crochet (2011-03-14), ...) - ^z - 2024-11-10